Information and Results of Livestock Shows
If you are a show coordinator and would like results from your show posted on the GCCPA website then
please email the information and photos of the champions to Joy Carter.
Information on upcoming shows and sales are found on the calendar website page.

2005-06 Show Season
GCCPA Field Day
May 28-29, 2005, Wiregrass Arena - Nicholls, Ga.
Results: Ring 1 Ring 2
View photos

Georgia Junior Beef Futurity
July 8-9, 2005, Perry, Ga.
View Photos

Georgia State Livestock Show
Feb. 2006, Perry, Ga.
GCCPA Pays Premiums to Youth Showing GCCPA Calves
The following premiums have been awarded to exhibitors showing GCCPA calves at the recent State Show.
          Ash Bailey - Overall Reserve Steer -- $250
          Matt Shirley -- Third Overall Steer -- $200
          Harden Mobley -- Champion Maine Steer -- $100
          Brantley Walker -- Champion Angus Steer -- $100
          Kim Chandler -- Champion Gelbvieh Heifer -- $100
          Will Bius -- Champion % Simmental Heifer -- $100
          Kim Chandler -- Reserve % Simmental Heifer -- $50
          Chris Casper -- Reserve Champion Charolais -- $50
          Bailey Manley -- Reserve Champion Shorthorn -- $50
          Kristen Sills -- Reserve Champion Other Breeds -- $50
GCCPA has now paid out $1,050 to Champions and Reserves.


Designed by Joy Carter
Photography & Design